05. listopad 2014  

Did you Know that the American Home of Hyperkino DVDs Stands in Pittsburgh?

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"This series of historical Russian cinema, presented in the innovative HYPERKINO format, is created by Natascha Drubek and Nikolai Izvolov. The films are presented in 2-disc HYPERKINO editions: 

Disk 1 contains the standard film in the best available print, with optional subtitles in Russian, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Disk 2 contains the film, plus scene-specific annotations based on archival materials, including film clips and newsreel footage, texts, photographs, posters, graphics, arts-and-crafts, music and audio files. Texts are available in Russian and in English. These can be viewed on-screen, contextualizing the film and enhancing the viewer's understanding."


The Childhood of Maxim Gorky, 1938

Donskoi, Mark


By the Bluest of Seas, 1936

Barnet, Boris


Happiness, 1934

Medvedkin, Aleksander


The Great Consoler, 1933

Kuleshov, Lev


Outskirts, 1933

Barnet, Boris


The Heir to Genghis Khan (Storm over Asia), 1928

Pudovkin, Vsevolod


October, 1927

Eisenstein, Sergei


The Girl with the Hatbox, 1927

Barnet, Boris


Strike, 1924

Eisenstein, Sergei


Engineer Prite's Project, 1913

Kuleshov, Lev