New Media programs in the Czech Republic

JUDr. MUdr. PuDr.

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366 min.

10:00 - 12:00

Jay Bolter: Georgia Institute of Technology
Roman Berka, Miloš Vojtěchovský: Intermediální tvorba a technologie ČVUT, VŠUP, FAMU, Praha
Lucie Svobodová: Digitální média VŠUP, Praha
Pavel Sedlák: Mezinárodní centrum pro umění a nové technologie CIANT, Praha
David Šmahel: Institut výzkumu dětí, mládeže a rodiny FSS MU, Brno
Radim Polčák: Pracovní skupiny pro právo a informační technologie Prf MU, Brno
Doug Hajek: Prague college, Praha

13:00 - 17:00

Bohuš Získal: Visual connection, Praha
Richard Fajnor: Ateliér multimédií FVU VUT, Brno
Aneta Mona Chisa: Ateliér nových médií I. AVU, Praha
Jana Horáková: Ústav pro studium divadla a interaktivnícB$馠médií FF MU, Brno
David Kořínek, Jakub Macek: Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky FSS MU, Brno
Marketa Kinterova, Radek Jandera: Ateliér fotografie, Fakulta užitého umění a designu, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem
Luděk Janda, Pavel Skopal: Ústav filmu a audiovizuální kultury FF MU, Brno
Dušan Zahoranský: Ústav umění a designu, ZČU, Plzeň
Jaroslav Vančát: Elektronická kultura a sémiotika FHS UK, Praha
Petra Jedličková, Denisa Kera: Studia nových médií FF UK, Praha


Visual Connection
Silicon Hill
Lemurie TAZ

The dynamic character of the knowledge economy demands much flexibility on the parts of educational institutions. From art academies to design schools, media and communication departments, there is growing number of full-time programs and courses in new media technology that address this challenge. Very often they concentrate on the growing demand for qualified, experienced new media specialists such as multimedia and interface designers, game developers, electronic publishing managers, web content developers, computer animators, promotion specialists etc.. Many programs try to go further and develop interdisciplinary curricula that concentrate more on the research. Their ambition is not only to respond to the current needs of the industry and but also to support innovation and change. What is the situation in the Czech Republic in this respect? In the form of 20 min. presentations of different Czech new media institutions, centers and programs, we hope to address following questions:

What methodologies of teaching "new media" do your prefer? What is the proportion between theory and practice in your program? Does your curriculum support collaboration, interdisciplinary and project based learning? Do you cooperate with other departments, faculties, universities? Do you cooperate with the industry, with companies and institutes from different sectors and in what form? How important is international cooperation for you program? What are the problems and challenges your program is facing? What are your plans?

This meeting should enhance the cooperation and the transfer of knowledge between different institutions involved in new media education in the Czech republic. Guest speaker, Jay David Bolter, from Georgia Institute of Technology will present the new media program in his institute and speak about the situation and the possibility for cooperation.


Dopolední část
320 x 240
109 min

00:04:50 Zahájení
Denisa Kera, 22. 2. 2007 17:14
Zahájení konference
00:11:30 Jay David Bolter
Denisa Kera, 22. 2. 2007 17:17
Odpolední část
320 x 240
225 min

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