EYE Film Institute Netherlands, the Dutch centre for film culture and heritage, is dedicated to developing a vigorous film culture in the Netherlands. Through its activities and services, EYE aims to foster a viable film industry in the Netherlands and to promote Dutch film at home and abroad.
Renowned collection
EYE has an extensive and internationally renowned collection. The Institute’s programmes, events and services are geared toward the general public as well as specialised groups, and draw upon its unique collection. Click here to learn more about the collection.
Respected expertise
EYE is respected worldwide for its restoration and research expertise, as well as its significant experience in the areas of education and international promotion and marketing of Dutch films (EYE International).
Encouraging debate and shaping policy
EYE encourages debate and reflection about the role of film and media in society today. It also helps shape film and media policy on a national level.
Film and media education
EYE provides film and media education for children and young adults. For more information about EYE’s education programmes, policies and teaching resources, click here.
The Institute has the following goals:
> Advancing knowledge about film and related audiovisual media
> Providing film and media education for children and young adults
> Increasing film attendance
> Supporting the film sector in making a greater contribution to public debate
> Promoting and highlight the medium within the arts
EYE unites the Dutch film sector
EYE Film Institute Netherlands was founded on 1 January 2010 by merging four important film organisations: Holland Film, the Nederlands Instituut voor Filmeducatie, the Filmbank and the Filmmuseum. With this fusion, the Dutch film world acquired an umbrella organisation that unites the film sector.