06. červenec 2009  

Transistor session 2nd, day 2nd

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On 18th of June, everybody was expecting and excited by Viktor Antonov’s presentation. Viktor presented the not yet released pictures from his latest movie “The Prodigies” directed by Antoine Charreyron and based on the book “La Nuit des Enfants Rois”. The synopsis of the movie is as follows: NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues…

This project is planned to be developed during two years. Now they are just in the middle of the process. 8000 people have already been working on the preparation of this animated movie.

Viktor explained and analyzed the images of the film. The city where the story takes place is looking really similar to New York. However the architecture in the movie is quite minimal and the image contains the minimum of information. The movie refers to the issue of how far it is possible to go with minimalism, for example in some parts of the film the buildings are only squares.

When the story gains in emotional intensity, the images are deconstructed. The world changes according to the emotions. Viktor was then referring to the idea of subjective perceptions. Most of images are hands paintings which have been post produced then with some work on the light and on the colours. Some architects have developed some visualizations of realistic New York. Then the blocks composing the architecture ensemble were deconstructed in order to create some specific shapes enabling particular lights effects.

Viktor’s presentation made us really look forward to watching the movie! Be patient, in one year it will be released!!!