dedicated to the HYPERKINO film annotation method

lis 02 2010
Sight & Sound Vol. 20, Issue 8, 2010, p. 87
Natasa Drubkova, 02. 11. 2010 10:34, 0 komentářů
Tagy Oktyabr, Oktjabr, Stachka, Stacka, Ryabchikova, Hyperkino DVD, Akademia, Sight & Sound, Eisenstein, Michael Brooke, RUSCICO, Tsivian

Review by Michael Brooke of 2 Eisenstein Hyperkino DVDs (RUSCICO): Strike and October

Sight & Sound Vol. 20, Issue 8, 2010, p. 87

lis 02 2010
MichaelB Expanded on "Prite" on the CRITERIONFORUM blog
Natasa Drubkova, 02. 11. 2010 10:21, 0 komentářů

"OK, I've finally got round to exploring an Academia DVD in depth - Lev Kuleshov's Engineer Prite's Project (1918), the oldest of the initial batch of titles.

Although no masterpiece, the film itself is a fascinating slice of history - made when Kuleshov was just eighteen, it's one of the first films funded by the recently victorious Bolsheviks (which accounts for the aggressively anti-capitalist message, vaguely reminiscent of The Man in the White Suit in its tale of an engineer who devises a method of extracting electricity from peat, only to find himself undermined by American oil magnates seeking to protect their share price), but it also marks a clear link between the pre-revolutionary work of Yevgeny Bauer (Kuleshov's former boss) and what would eventually become Soviet montage (many of whose underlying theories would later be devised by Kuleshov). The montage here is far less flamboyant than what was to come, but there are already considerably more shots than would be the case with an equivalent American or earlier Russian film.

Like all the Academia releases, this is presented as a two-disc set, with one disc presenting an unadulterated version of the main feature (original Russian soundtrack/intertitles, with optional subtitles in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch or Portuguese), and the other offering the same transfer of the feature but with 'Hyperkino' contextual backup available in Russian or English.

In practice, this means that an orange number will occasionally pop up on the screen, indicating that contextual information is available - pressing 'enter' on your remote lets you jump to the relevant screen, which offers a mini-essay analysing or contextualising that particular part of the film (taking up multiple pages if necessary), complete with further links to stills, facsimile documents and even video clips - in this particular case, from the Yevgeny Bauer films on which Kuleshov originally cut his filmmaking teeth, and whose influence can clearly be seen. Annoyingly, the facsimile texts in Russian (original reviews, scripts, etc.) generally aren't translated, though the entire original treatment is presented in English.

With 27 contextual sections servicing a film running just 30 minutes, you can probably already appreciate that there's a fair bit of material to explore - it runs the gamut from production anecdotes through reception and its subsequent archival life, together with a fair bit of analysis, including clips from the actual film with added onscreen graphics to highlight key details. There's also a themed index of subjects in the style of one of Criterion's commentary indexes - for instance, 'Russian cinema of 1918', 'The film's plot and libretto', '"Super American drama"', 'First formula of montage', and so on.

As for the print and transfer, it's in pretty good condition for a 1918 film, and has clearly undergone a fair bit of restoration - purists may baulk at the fact that the intertitles are so obviously electronically-created, but the layout and typesetting seem appropriate to the period. English subtitles"

lis 02 2010
Sight & Sound Vol. 20, Issue 8, 2010, p. 88
Natasa Drubkova, 02. 11. 2010 09:50, 0 komentářů
Tagy Hyperkino DVD, Akademia, Sight & Sound, Kuleshov, Michael Brooke, RUSCICO

Review by Michael Brooke of 2 Kuleshov Hyperkino DVDs (RUSCICO): Engineer Prite's Project and The Great Consoler

Sight & Sound Vol. 20, Issue 8, 2010, p. 88

zář 24 2010
24/09/10, 18:05, Akademia & HYPERKINO on Russian Radio "Kino Po Pyatnitsam" (Valeri Kichin)
Natasa Drubkova, 24. 9. 2010 12:02, 0 komentářů
Tagy Kichin, Radio Kultura, Dikhtyar, Hyperkino, Ruscico, Drubek, Izvolov, Kino-Akademia, Eisentein, Bauer, Kuleshov, Medvedkin

«Кино по пятницам». Еженедельная авторская программа Валерия Кичина:

24 сентября 2010: "В этой программе речь пойдет о выпуске кинокомпанией «R.U.S.C.I.C.O.» на dvd отечественной киноклассики с комментариями и системой ссылок. В гостях у Валерия Кичина: генеральный директор компании Роман Дихтяр; киновед и главный редактор серии Николай Изволов; участник проекта и один из его вдохновителей преподавательница из Германии Наташа Друбек."

zář 03 2010
Jonathan Rosenbaum on Hyperkino as a form of nonlinear film criticism
Natasa Drubkova, 03. 9. 2010 16:58, 0 komentářů
Tagy Jonathan Rosenbaum, nonlinear, hyperkino DVD, audio commentary, Medvedkin, Khokhlova, Drubek, O. Henry, Barnet, Kuleshov, Eisenstein, Tsivian, Izvolov

"The Mosaic Approach. In defense of a nonlinear film criticism"

posted August 18, 2010, in the journal Moving Image Source, Museum of the Moving Image, N.Y.

"The fact that these commentaries belong to a hybrid form—existing somewhere between reading and watching, like various computer-related activities—is part of what seems forward-looking about them […] What all these forms of criticism suggest is not merely a less linear way of approaching film experience but also a more interactive methodology. The fact that movies are being seen more and more often away from public theaters shouldn't necessarily mean that the way we all experience them and share our experiences is any less social. Perhaps it's more pertinent to note that the very forms of our social interactions in relation to films are changing as well."

Jonathan Rosenbaum on Hyperkino as a form of nonlinear film criticism

čec 12 2010
Bologna: "Special Feature" Prize for 3 HYPERKINO DVDs
Natasa Drubkova, 12. 7. 2010 09:44, 0 komentářů
Tagy Cinema Ritrovato, DVD Awards 2010, special feature, Bologna, Hyperkino, Kuleshov, Tsivian, Izvolov, Ruscico, Drubek, Dikhtyar, Eisenstein


(a) three recent Ruscico releases of classic Russian films (two previously unavailable films by Lev Kuleshov, ENGINEER PRITE’S PROJECT and THE GREAT CONSOLER, and Sergey Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov’s OCTOBER)—both for their innovative handling of printed and illustrated commentaries by scholars and for their subtitles in many languages, despite the unfortunate fact that all three releases are identified on their covers only by their Russian titles

ENGINEERS PRITE’S PROJECT (Russia/1918) di Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia) -

THE GREAT CONSOLER (Russia/1933) di Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia)

OCTOBER (Russia/1927) di Sergey Eisenstein, Grigori Aleksandrov – Ruscico (Russia)


(b) the Filmmuseum with Filmmuseum München and Goethe Institut Deutschland release of G.W. Pabst’s DIE FREUDLOSE GASSE (THE JOYLESS STREET), for the three documentaries about Pabst that are included."

The Beautiful Bologna Prize (Pic taken on 24/08/10 in Moscow): Nikolai Izvolov, Natascha Drubek, Roman Dikhtyar'

čvn 26 2010
What Happened 1 Year Ago: Tarantino's HYPER(-)KINO
Natasa Drubkova, 26. 6. 2010 12:42, 0 komentářů
Tagy SPEX, Tommaso Schulze, Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds, Hyperkino

On Quotation.
How Hyperkino is making its way into critical jargon where it mutated to HYPER-KINO.
Tommaso Schulze in SPEX #321, June 2009 about Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds":


What Happened 1 Year Ago: Tarantino's HYPER(-)KINO

čvn 26 2010
Hyperkino Goes to the USA
Natasa Drubkova, 26. 6. 2010 12:34, 0 komentářů
Tagy 12th Russian Film Symposium, University of Pittsburgh, Condee, Padunov, Izvolov, Hyperkino

...at the 12th Russian Film Symposium, University of Pittsburgh:

"From Art-house to Cineplex: Russian Cinema's Search for a Mass Audience"

May 2010

Nancy Condee, Vladimir Padunov and Nikolai Izvolov

čvn 10 2010
3 Hyperkino Discs Among Finalists for 2010 Bologna DVD Awards
Natasa Drubkova, 10. 6. 2010 11:50, 0 komentářů
Tagy Cinema Ritrovato Festival, Velikii uteshitel, Inzhener Prait, Okjtabr, Hyperkino-DVD, Bologna, Tsivian, Silent Film, Ruscico, Eisenstein, Prite, Drubek-Meyer, Izvolov, Kuleshov

Nomination for the DVD AWARDS 2010 at Il Cinema Ritrovato Festival (June 26th – July 3rd 2010, Bologna, Italy)

THE GREAT CONSOLER (Russia/1933) by Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia) - hyperkino annotations by Ekaterina Khokhlova

ENGINEER PRITE’S PROJECT (Russia/1918) by Lev Kuleshov – Ruscico (Russia) - hyperkino annotations by N. Drubek-Meyer / Nikolai Izvolov

OCTOBER (Russia/1927) by Sergey Eisenstein, Grigori Aleksandrov – Ruscico (Russia) -hyperkino annotations by Yuri Tsivian


kvě 19 2010
Hyperkino Annotations Appear In Paper Form and Online in Journal SRSC
Natasa Drubkova, 19. 5. 2010 15:45, 0 komentářů
Tagy Annotations, Kuleshov, Pright, Prite, 1918, Drubek-Meyer, Izvolov, Journal, Hyperkino

"Annotations for the Hyperkino edition of Lev Kuleshov’s Engineer
Prite’s Project (1918), Academia series, RUSCICO, 2010""

in: Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema

Volume 4 Number 1


úno 16 2010
ACADEMIA by RUSCICO: The First Series of Hyperkino DVDs
michal klodner, 16. 2. 2010 19:28, 0 komentářů
Tagy film annotation, russian film, reconstruction, hyperkino

1. Engineer Prite's Project (1918, Lev Kuleshov) - Hyperkino annotations by Natascha Drubek / Nikolai Izvolov
2. October (1927, Sergei Eisenstein) - Hyperkino annotation by Yuri Tsivian
3. The Great Consoler (1933, Lev Kuleshov) - Hyperkino annotations by Ekaterina Khoklova
4. Happiness (1934, Alexander Medvedkin) - Hyperkino annotations by Nikolai Izvolov
5. Strike (1924, S. Eisenstein) - Hyperkino annotations by Natalia Riabchikova

The annotations are structured as a system of footnote-like entries placed in support of key points in the film. They can be examined in the course of viewing the film; or can be switched off.

Film annotations include:
A. Academic, multifaceted, original interpretations of the content and the form of the films, written by experts in the field.
B. Explanations of political, everyday and other realities, of ethnographic and linguistic details.
C. References to archival and bibliographic sources.
D. Additional visual materials - photographs, drawings and fragments from other films - which can be comparatively analyzed in relation to films in question and expand their discursive contexts.
Additional titles are currently in preparation.

RUSCICO is releasing a series of classic Russian films in the Hyperkino format edited by Nikolai Izvolov in February 2010 http://www.ruscico.com/
e-mail address for orders and enquiries: honnest@ruscico.com

ACADEMIA by RUSCICO: The First Series of Hyperkino DVDs

úno 16 2010
Jihlava IDFF 2008
michal klodner, 16. 2. 2010 19:23, 0 komentářů
Tagy open archives

Second year of „Open archives“ conference took place within The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival

úno 16 2010
Engineer Pright's Project at absolutMedien
michal klodner, 16. 2. 2010 19:19, 0 komentářů
Tagy Lev Kulesov, Hyperkino, film annotation

“Engineer Pright’s Project” is now available in a Russian/German version at absolutMedien

Engineer Pright's Project at absolutMedien

úno 16 2010
HYPERKINO at the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2007
michal klodner, 16. 2. 2010 19:10, 0 komentářů
Tagy digital reconstruction, hyperkino, film annotation

The Project of Engineer Prite (Proekt inzhenera Prayta) & Hyperkino - Digital Revival of Early Classics / Interactive Presentation by Nikolai Izvolov - 2/2/2007, 2:30 PM, Venster 2


FAMU vznikla v rámci AMU v Praze (filmový odbor) v letech 1946/47 jako pátá filmová škola na světě - po Moskvě, Belíně, Římu a Paříži. První uchazeči zde mohli studovat režii, dramaturgii a filmový obraz.

Dnes FAMU zahrnuje nasledující katedry a pracoviště: